Category Archives: Uncategorised

Test post on the new site (host)

I have been messing around with domain urls, i needed to move my site to a new account, since 000webhost might be erasing my site soon, plus i need the new cpanel and php versions and etc. but i have to move to a whole new account for that. anyway, now, i can park domains again, but i have also set my blog to work with any doman, not just, now works too, this test will confirm it anyway. i did this by adding

define('WP_HOME', '/');
define('WP_SITEURL', '/');

to the wp-config.php file after the table_prefix part, but i added ‘/wordpress/’ because my blog doesnt exist on the root of the site.


Didn’t tell me much

I’m not going to post any photos, no point, the laptop screen lens takes light traveling up the screen and diffuses it, instead of directly at it. The light enters the side of a special acrylic lens and turns it into lines of light which the other lenses turn into solid white.
What I have learned from this however is, it’s possible that the backlight might only be 1 or 2 tubes, if it uses the same kind of lens although I doubt this.

I’ll continue with taking apart the monitor today once I have all my other work done for the day.


I forgot to mention this but, for anyone reading, this process should apply to pretty much any monitor if you want to replace the backlight with LEDs, though your experience may vary with how the system deals with a missing or disabled inverter board. In all likelyhood though itle probably just be PWM controlled. Worst case you install a knob with your own controller and use the internal 12v supply.

Second HD image test with in-blog editing

This time im writing within the wordpress site which i think is how its going to have to work from now on, ill see what happens when i upload a high resolution image, ideally id want it to be accessible to readers in its raw massive state, which is about 3000x2000px, at best all i can get is half that with automatic processing, plus, i have to tell word not to compress photos every single time i do this.


this is the second image below after editing the htaccess file to allow 5mb image files
