My new strip arrived which i will use for testing, but also to replace any strips i accidentally burn out in the monitor during the long experiment, however, the strips i ordered were a little different, they didnt come with a driver, and also the writing on them is different. supposedly the operating voltage is 10-12v, they say “24W” on them and apparently have 96LEDs wheras the others that come in a kit only have 90, i havent compared either against each other as of yet or done any testing since im swamped in my uni assignments, but it may be that this particular set of LEDs might be actually stronger than what comes in the kit. Besides the writing though they look identical. Also 24W might be reffering to the fact its for a 24″ monitor. but it also might be that the combined output of the 2 strips is 24W which would be impressive.
The strips in question are called “LED strip GY-540-530MM-24W-96LED (540mm)”
Also before i go, there seems to be 2 recommended drivers, one of which looks the same as the kit one, yet is apparently only designed for 90LED strips, or for 21″ displays. It might explain why it was underpowered. The alternative driver is the CA-155 but it looks the same as the kit driver and also seems to have just 1 line of control with 2 plugs.
I still stand with opinion about driving these strips, better to do it yourself with converters or generic controllers and just deal with the inability to adjust brightness power output.
Thank you for your amazing work. I have a 24HD touch which works fine for a few minutes and then the screen goes off..lights on the buttons are on and sometimes flickering as well(this might be related to the driver not sure)
what is your recommendation for solving this issue?
i could only speculate, but im pretty sure the 24HD touch is CCFL backlit so it could be related to the driver or the tubes.