Possibilities for a brighter backlight – XL4015 adjustable stepdown converter

Ok, so ive been doing a little research inspired by my obtaining that much needed step down converter for the wacoms backlight.

^ [ This is a very stable output ]

First of all, the output seems stable enough it could be used to directly drive the LEDs. its stepping down 24v to about 12v, touching it in places didnt seem to cause random jumps, which means left to itself it should be fine. Also it handled power just fine, didnt even need the heatsink (which came included).

Continue reading Possibilities for a brighter backlight – XL4015 adjustable stepdown converter

Test post on the new site (host)

I have been messing around with domain urls, i needed to move my site to a new account, since 000webhost might be erasing my site soon, plus i need the new cpanel and php versions and etc. but i have to move to a whole new account for that. anyway, now, i can park domains again, but i have also set my blog to work with any doman, not just oldmanbeefjerky.com, now ronox.xyz works too, this test will confirm it anyway. i did this by adding

define('WP_HOME', '/');
define('WP_SITEURL', '/');

to the wp-config.php file after the table_prefix part, but i added ‘/wordpress/’ because my blog doesnt exist on the root of the site.


Done! everything is working, everything is awesome!

I have finished the repair, the monitor is closed up and done, nothing is more reassuring though than putting something back together and having a bunch of screws left over.

Ive taken a few pictures during closing, its actually a little bit trickier than i thought. There are two pieces of metal that need to go onto the plastic shell before you place the actual monitor in it, but, if you never separate the shell and monitor you dont need to worry about it.

Also, i tested pen functions, its all good too, everything works.

dsc_0189 dsc_0190

Also, i neglected to photograph this but my final setup i closed the monitor with was with a resistor jammed more securely where i photographed it previously, then wrapped in kapton tape. The breadboard wires now plug into the other end of the cable that goes into the USB+fan board, the positive going into the orange slot and the negative going into the yellow as that appears to be grounded for some reason, DO NOT connect to black, traditional color coordination is not used in wacoms.

-edit- note that i may have not properly differentiated between color “brightness” (a setting like contrast) and backlight brightness, aka the light intensity.

Continue reading Done! everything is working, everything is awesome!

Some notes while finalizing the project.

All ive done so far is test the board, while its active, it has yet to be reassembled.

A problem that has been plaguing me is the fact the LED driver cant run off 24v without additional cooling, so i have been looking into options for converting the 24v rails to 12v, which has not worked out to well with what i have available, but then something occured to me, 12v is like a standard in electronics, surely something in this monitor uses 12v, and i was right, there is a 12v output in the power management board, which regulates 24v, 12v, 3.3v and 5v.

Continue reading Some notes while finalizing the project.